WNET GIG - a standard for Internet connection at speeds from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps for business and commercial real estate


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Why should you order 10 Gigabit fiber for your property?

  • Innovations increase the amount of information every year and affect the requirements for the quality and speed of the Internet
  • Tenants are increasingly demanding of service providers, and only market leaders can earn the trust to take care of the "electronic heart" of their business.
  • Be ready for the future: 20% of commercial buildings will switch to smart technologies (IoT) by 2030, prepare your infrastructure today
  • The alternative of providers guarantee that the Internet will work for you and the tenants under any circumstances
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Nowadays WNET serves more than 5,500 buildings in Ukraine, the United States, and Europe, offering tenants fiber-optic Internet with symmetrical bandwidth on a new standard of FTTS with a speed from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. All buildings are connected directly to our 100 gigabit backbone network via a 10 gigabit link.All buildings are connected directly to our 100 gigabit backbone network via a 10 gigabit link.

The services we provide are SLA compliant (99.5% and up) with round-the-clock proactive support and real-time monitoring.

Our network is fully redundant - all equipment (including business centers) has independent power supplies, ensuring a fully working mode for the minimum of 4 hours in case of malfunction.

It will increase the value of your property for the tenants

We connect the Internet to the office on time so that the business operates immediately after the repair

Connection up to 3 days

Any speed up to 10 Gbps

40+ turnkey telecom and IT services

We are focused on a long-term relationship

  • “Revenue sharing” cooperation model
  • Assigned personal manager
  • 25 years of successful work in the B2B market and we are moving forward

Comparison of technologies

Why "home" solutions don`t fit business needs

  • WNET Gig
  • Dedicated fiber directly to customer's equipment
  • Independence from other subscribers
  • Guaranteed symmetrical individual speed up to 10Gbps
  • We support any specifications for building a corporate network (L2 / L3VPN, etc.)
  • Security of connection:
  • PON
  • One optical fiber for 64 customers
  • If another client turns on the “wrong” equipment, the service will stop working for everyone
  • 2.54 Gbps speed for all customers
  • The technology is designed for "home" networks
  • Security of connection:
  • Twisted pair
    • Fiber to the building only
    • If traffic usage in a building increases sharply, service degradation is possible
    • Maximum speed 1 Gbps under best conditions
    • Increasing speed is a costly and time-consuming process, requires updating
  • Security of connection:

WNET GIG solutions for Business centers and Malls

Take full advantage of WNET GIG:

We provide a fiber-optic infrastructure with a bandwidth ranging from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps under special terms and conditions.

We can create a secure network (MPLS/VPN) for you upon your request

We design a reliable Wi-fi network

We can deploy IoT solutions or automated control systems (BMS) upon request




of commercial buildings will be "smart"

How can you connect your building to WNETGig?


Site survey

Our team and your representative meet to review the building, discuss the terms and conditions of construction/modernization of your network


Project approval and agreement

After the site survey, we will prepare all the documents for you to review and sign



First we complete the construction of the network in the building, and then, all that's left for you and your tenants to do - is to order dedicated fiber to your equipment using FTTS technology and enjoy the benefits of using Wnet GIG

Let's start the process today

Find out the details and make an appointment with our representative

Thank you for your request! Our WNET manager is already processing an application. Expect feedback as soon as possible.